All I will know is what you teach me

All I will know is what you teach me

Our children are our future. Choose to teach them well.

If only we could be as little children the world would be so much better. ~ Millette Smart 

A good lesson for all parents who love their children. Don’t let ignorant people make wrong choices for your children. You will pay for your that later.

There are really only two emotions, love and fear. All positive feelings come from love and all negative emotions from fear. Let’s ensure we all teach love.

They learn the most in their first few years, good or bad, it’s up to the one’s around them to think about what they say and do, around their kids. More then likely they will have your views and moral’s. ~ Thomas Davidson 

Children when they are in formative years from birth and up to school age(kindergarten) are like sponges, they absorb everything. You will think they are busy playing but really intently listening to the conversation you have at the moment. Whatever comes out of your mouth they repeat like a broken record. Teach them by example, because they are not going to follow your words when they get up to the age of knowing how to say “no”. Teach them all the good traits in the 2nd paragraph, they they will not form any of the character in 1st paragraph. Even when they grow older and stray from the teachings they learned from home, they will always come back to the same things (family dynamics) They think is the norm because that’s what developed them into the kind of persons they got used to. ~ Norma Powell 

They blame the school for their children’s behavior, so much hatred and prejudice against certain family. The people were brought up like that and it will never stop, they don’t know what truth, love and human decency is all about. ~ Geraldine Cook 

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