Admire people who choose to shine

Admire people who choose to shine

We need to admire such courageous, determined, strong willed people.

Sometimes you need the storms to wash you clean so you can make a fresh start. 

Your future is defined by what you do today not tomorrow.

Never give up! Never show your back to problems. Be always prepared to face the storms of life. Always give a smile to storm and say I’m ready for you. Be positive always!

Divorce and death are the most tragic things in life we go through. I went through divorce & it was terrible and even worse for our child. The best news is that I eventually remarried and found a wonderful person that I have been told is my soul mate (which he is). I had a friend that was married for 30 yrs and she got divorced and it was terrible & in fact she went through divorce at the same time. Never give up because there is always something or someone around the corner with good news or something that can or will make you happy. My grandma always said, ” You make your own happiness”. ~ Cynthia Hitchens 

Shining in spite of clouds is an evident sign of strength, hope and that of life. Whoever covers their pain with their happiness deserves love and admiration. 

Storms comes not to make you hopeless but to let you learn that everything in life has been meant for the admiration of future, so you will be more grateful for whatever you will get after the storm. ~ Dina Ismail 

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