A Woman who creates a Happy life on her own

A woman who creates a full happy life on her own

The law of attraction, your inner contentment will draw people towards you, your neediness will overwhelm them. Share life’s path with someone but don’t rely on them to meet all your needs or make you happy. That’s your responsibility. ~ Lallie Clarke 

The single biggest mistake ever to be made by any single individual (no one can make you happy, if you aren’t willing to be happy on your own). Looking to someone to do this for you will only double your misery, because it is humanly impossible to find fulfillment and happiness in others if we cannot find these satisfactions within ourselves. ~ Gi Sse Lle

As long as you are not just thinking of “self”. It shouldn’t just be me, me, me. People seem to forget that. Each morning when we wake up, we each think, ” What can I do today to make his/her life better” and at the end of each day we ask each other if there is anything that we did to unintentionally offend the other to be forgiven of that. I met him when he was 23 and we have been together for 20 years and feel like we are still on our honeymoon. We are so aware of what we say to each and how it can affect the other person. Not saying it was always fun and games. We have had our trying times as well, but all in all what a great life we have created together. ~ Rose Sitter

If I was single then this would apply fully. But since I am not, I do not look to my husband to create my life. My husband and I create a full and happy life together. ~ Rose Sitter

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