A simple ‘I miss you’ can change everything

A simple 'I miss you' can change everything

Can light up a cloudy day!

It can completely change a sad face to a sparkling smile any day.

Every moment of every day and I will never stop holding someone close in my heart.

It makes me melt when my kids and mom tell me they miss me, had them in mind when I made this.

It only changes things for the better if two people really love each other and always ready to make sacrifices for the other person. Always present to give moral support when one is having tough times. I love to hear my children and my closest kin to say I miss you. ~ Norma Powell

Missing you is such a sweet word. Always tell them to your family and friends every second, every minute and every hour of the day. ~ Doris Castro

If you’re lucky enough to hear it or brave enough to say it. ~ Elaine Lee

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