Anything can happen in just one day

Anything can happen in just one day

Anything to everything can happen within 1 hour, 1 minute or even the next second.

I fell in love with my husband on the day I met him and we’re still going strong. ~ Brigitte Nicole

A person who has experienced any significant emotion or experience can be forever changed or transformed in an instant for the good or the bad. ~ Kim Davis

You can lose the people who you love in one day. What a terrible can one day change our life. ~ Sara Moustafa

You have gone through life experiencing all of those things your perspective in life changes tremendously. ~ Carmela Suppo 

I fell in love the day I met my girl and I’m still in love with her and always will be. ~ Stephen Fryer

Something good might happen at one day but the happiness of that one day can change and would never be same always. ~ Dina Ismail

Make the most of every day giving God thanks and glory for the chance to live, love, and grow to know what it is to be alive. ~ Roy Nations 

You can change your life in a split second. Life gives you what you choose and gives you whatever it is you are looking for and surviving that one day is a gift of God and fate. ~ Jessyline Maquito 

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