When someone is trying to change their ways

When someone is trying to change their ways

People who keep bring up a person’s past is hating on that person making progress. ~ Angie Taylor 

People can only change if they learn from their past mistakes and make amends for their behavior. If you can’t reflect and learn from past mistakes you haven’t changed anything. ~ Rose Kalmeta 

The person I am today is evident in my actions. I have nothing to prove to anyone else. I made my own mistakes and I’ve paid a high price for each of them. I’ve got the stripes on my back to prove it. I’ve admitted my wrongs and sincerely apologized to anyone I hurt as well. Anyone who is not willing to give me the chance to show this, should never expect forgiveness when they screw up – and they will, at sometime in their life, if they haven’t already. We all fall down. Nobody is perfect. That’s “real” life! ~ Sue Long 

The past is where it belongs, in the past. Everyone deserves to have a second chance, give them that. We must not judge, let God do it. ~ Ronél Zeederberg 

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3 Responses

  1. Karen
  2. northernlight
  3. john moore

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