Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach

Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach

Watching the waves come and go, walking in the sand and making new footprints for your life, and the feeling that you are out there in a perfect environment to create something new.

Nothing sooth’s the soul like a loved one touching your cheek, kissing your face and smiling for your eyes to see. ~ Jerry Lane

Walking in the woods or hike up mountain and seeing a beautiful view at the top.

I love walking on the beach. The water is so relaxing, it’s one of the best cures for being low. ~ Gina Anthes

Nothing soothes the soul like being at peace with God and knowing that His peace will guard our hearts and minds in God. ~ Tara McKeefry 

I could use a walk while holding hands with the man I love.

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