Find someone who really loves you

Find someone who really loves you

You have to do your own work not expect them to do it all for you while you sit idly by. ~ Keryl Jamieson 

The people we choose in our lives are always going to fall into a certain character type. We don’t learn to let other characters types in. Learn what type you are choosing (bad if we keep having the same issues) and choose different, sometimes that’s when we learn to trust again and find real happiness. ~ Deb Rosburg 

Everyone comes with some kind of baggage. The problem is if people don’t learn from it & keep repeating the same stuff & they are not willing to grow & change from it. We have to give people a reason to change i.e something positive in the process. It’s a awesome feeling when you unload together & both can appreciate each other & the love even get stronger between them. ~ Julie Armstrong

God can send someone your way that can help you unload your baggage, and help you along the way.

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