Someday, we will forget the Hurt

Someday, we will forget the Hurt

Life is a never ending cycle, love, peace, joy & happiness. Everything in life is to learn lessons to love better in a pure way. Everything that comes into your life whether good or bad are all gifts to learn life with love. ~ Margaret Russo 

It’s time, let it all go, leave all the past behind, all the pain, all the sorrow, who you were, what has happened and embrace the new allow yourself to change, to grow, to evolve. Let that light into those parts of you that have been kept hidden, kept in shadow. It’s time, Free yourself. Let your light shine. ~ Ana Luisa

We all hurt in our lives by different relations for different reasons and we took the painful memories for the rest of life or it stayed in our minds for years. The point is that how we should remove these painful memories from our mind and start our life in normal manners again. We think of the revenge but even we go for it. It does not satisfy us and does not shows us the path of recovery. Now the only choice left that we should look back and open the first page of our relation to realize the facts, which we ignore completely due to our emotional state of mind, which should have been done on proper time. These can be little mistakes or the things which are not valuable to us but valuable to others or it could be a major problem or mistake. Just finding these keys will lead us to solve the puzzle of our life. We finally realize it’s not too late to restore our relation. Revenge is not the good idea. It does not set us free. It’s only the review of the relation which make us to realize our mistakes and problems and open new gate of life which is full of smile, laugh, forgiveness and belief. The relation start again from the beginning which remove the painful memories from our life forever. ~ Dost Mohammad 

We must build bridges and not walls. In due time we’ll need a bridge to cross and not walls to bang our head into. ~ Jude Molina

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