Why many Relationships end?

Why many Relationships end?

A relationship will never last when a third person enters.

Many relationships end because the person isn’t the same any more when you first met them. They stop doing the wonderful things for you because they are either busy all the time, try to manipulate you or have a new someone on the side. ~ Erica Tucker 

When one and another try to reach each other body and soul, they have fantastic energy which like burning flame to search anything about the one that he loved. When he has already had her, they forget to keep “the flame” burning. ~ Wahyu Widia 

If someone does not treat you well don’t waste your time on feeling bad. Love yourself enough to move on. People only treat you bad if you allow them to do it. Life is too short to be with someone who is not willing to treat you with respect and love. So many people are willing to settle for less just because they don’t want to be alone. I rather be alone and happy then be with someone who thinks they can treat me like crap. ~ Robin Lichte 

A lot of relationships end because someone needs to break away from the facade that they were ever owned. You can earn someone’s trust, you can become a part of their precious time, but you don’t get someone. Nobody wants to be owned and anyone can tell when they’re being used, and that’s usually when someone will break away. If two or more people find themselves in each other’s company and that life is meaningful for all parties, a relationship will thrive. It ends when someone believes they own your time, or that you owe them yours. Just be yourself, and don’t go out of your way to trick someone into wanting to be around you, and don’t go around treating someone like they deserve you based on their efforts. Don’t go complicating pure love, it should be effortless. ~ Oliva Sullen 

Those are the users and if you realize it before you got into the relationship you would not be in it. Then again if you had your mind open and not your heart all the way open you would also realize that people use the innocents in others to gain control. Be strong, but not cold and you can figure out the good from the bad. ~ Robin Keys 

I’ve been doing the same wonderful things for my wife starting in 1993 and in no way I am stopping. I always treat her as my bride and always will. Our 20 years together has been the happiest days of my life. ~ David Velasquez 

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