Never regret anything that has happened in your life

Never regret anything that has happened in your life

Enjoy yourselves and move on. Never regret about even one second in your life. 

Learn from past but never repeat the same mistakes.

If those things didn’t happen, you wouldn’t be the person you are or will become.

I don’t regret things that happened to me. We need to regret the things that we have done to others so we can stop doing hurtful things to other people. ~ Nestor Torres 

Acceptance! Learn from your mistakes and move on. I know it isn’t easy, but if you keep dwelling in the past, you are stealing any possibility of happiness in the present moment. You may always hurt, but over time you may hurt less often. You may learn to accept the pain for what is and fully embrace the present moment. ~ Jeffrey White 

My Dad always said to live life with no regrets. I mistakenly thought he meant the things I do. A wiser me now knows, he was talking about opportunities missed. ~ Jackie Ordiway

People always look at me weird when I tell them I have no regrets. I believe everything is a lesson and it has made us who we are today and because I have friends in my life, I’m thinking that my past did all right for me so why wish that anything would change. I mean if it was different my friends list would also be different and I can’t imagine some of you not being in my life, not sure if that makes sense but it made sense in my head. lol ~ Laurie Campbell

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