You need to love yourself before you can love others

You need to Love yourself before you can Love others

If you love yourself, take pride in yourself, no one else’s opinion of you matters. Young women especially should learn this early on; then the future men in their lives won’t hurt them & they will eventually find the right man for them. ~ Jane Shukes 

What others think of me doesn’t really matter and does not bother me. It might affect me at the moment but after thinking why. I just consider the source, then let it slide. ~ Norma Powell 

I love my self enough to now share my happiness with someone special someone I am excited to see and talk and to share the rest of my life with. ~ Thomas Dube 

We are all of royality in God’s kingdom, so we must think like the royal servants God intended for us to be in our walk through life. If people think otherwise, then keep it moving, don’t allow them time and space in your head. That’s reserved for more important things like happiness, joy compassion, things God desire for us. ~ Toney Evans

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