You can’t always make memories in life

The point is more about how you choose to spend your money, not to spend money you don’t have. We choose to spend our money on travel and experiences (memories) instead of things. Older car with no payment, modest home, rarely go out to eat, etc. So many think nothing of their $6 coffee and $15 movie ticket. It add up fast. Vacation money is our priority after taking care of bills and savings. ~ Julie Large

It all just depends what kind of trip you want to take as far as money. I’ve heard of people taking a few hundred dollars they’ve saved and travel out of their van all over the world. If you’re willing to settle for less then expensive hotels and restaurants you can travel to places for way cheap. I personally believe in not letting anything stop you if you truly want to go. ~ Angel Touchstone 

Life is a journey and we all need to live it to the fullest. Simple things can be done to create fond memories like taking advantage of nature and do things that makes us happy. We should live and not just exist because everything is so unpredictable these days. ~ Claudene Reboe 


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