When it comes to choosing your friends

When it comes to choosing your friends

Be selective of your friends – surround yourself with people who value friendship and loyalty the same way you do!

If you think this friendship goes wrong than leave it. Don’t make friendship with the people who can’t give you positive life.

Choose the people who have the energy you want to be around because energy is infectious & it can help you become a positive person or a negative person. I prefer people with positive vibes who uplift me. ~ Nikka Rose 

I have sadly come to find this. Doesn’t matter how much you love a friend or how much you are there for them when they need you. Seems they can quite easily forget you when everything is going good for them. It’s like they forgot everything you did for them. I’m still me and I haven’t changed. Still love them and miss them and treasure all the good memories. Least I have a clear conscious and wouldn’t have done anything different. ~ Zoe Makepeace 


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