Time has a way of fixing things

Time has a way of fixing things

I’ve seen time do wonderful things; mend broken bones, hearts, homes, marriages & friendships. We have to do the work but it is on our side if we are willing to put our hearts into it. At least give it our best try because if we don’t, we will always wonder. ~ Brigitte Nicole

Time is a measurement of spirit which would tend to move in a positive direction naturally. ~ Buck Harmon 

You have to fix things for yourself, ask God to help you fix things. You have to be strong and wise, which means to think long-term about consequences many years later to actions taken today. Sometimes it is actually better long-term to live with problems today because you believe that things will get better over the long-term. But if you think that the problems you have today are only going to get worse, be strong and do whatever you need to do to straighten things out for yourself and others you love. ~ Marilyn Rittmeyer 

Time can fix things for you only when you are ready to forget, to forgive and to move ahead. ~ Daniela Rachkova

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