The Worst person to be around

The Worst person to be around

Those kinds of people always try to create problem for other. We have to take action in order to eliminate that people.

Negative people always spread their negativity/toxins wherever they go, very much like air borne virus. If you know one, run for your life. If you cannot run, fight back with positivity. When they complain, you reply with something positive, something joyful. They will leave you alone, realizing that they cannot drag you down with them. ~ BC Young 

Those people never anything nice to say about one person, always bad and negative, always judging everyone. Almost makes me turn to the dark side all the time. ~ Missy Blaz

Their very vibes of negativity and air of pessimism would sooner rub off on you and have a depressing effect which isn’t welcome or all that fun. Never keep company with such complainers rather surround yourself with those who are happy, high spirited and positive. They’d bring out the best in you. ~ Margaret Young 

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