The most romantic story

The most romantic story

It always warms my heart to see two elderly people walking along holding hands & to see them still look at each other with love and have stuck it out through thick & thin, good times & bad & who have come out the other side.

Only the strongest people, their strong love and commitment to each other can withstand the test of time until they grow old together. ~ Liza Aguilar

The true romantic story can be seen each one of us. In everyday of our lives, living together with our love ones is seems to be worthiest and that’s the way we treasure a true love story in our life. ~ Gina Salcedosamson

We have been married for going on now 45 years. One and only. We have grown Old together. We got married, I was 19 and my Husband was 22. We are now 65 and 68. And our love has grown each year. “Till Death Do we Part.” ~ Jane Painter

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  1. Georges Raad

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