Sometimes it’s not the person we miss

Sometimes it's not the person we miss

It’s better to miss the feeling because you can find it with someone else who will make you happy.

Seldom do we miss the person. The logical part of us can remove the person, but the way we felt while we were with them, is a memory of emotion and once they’re gone we can warp that memory into perfection and never left it go. ~ Jason Krenzer 

The feelings we had for them were our feelings, our heart, so it can happen again. ~ Yvonne Kertsch 

Focus and get your own source of energy. Find yours and be your own master. Be independent in mind and soul. ~ Liam Bottomley 

Never forget to say I love you, you never know when you may lose the chance to say it.

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  1. Alieu H Sackor

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