It’s ok to be angry

It's ok to be angry

They cannot hurt you with their cruelty if you don’t give them permission or value their opinion. Narcissists need willing victims.

I have a relative that will say the cruelest things when she is upset and then expect people to forgive and forget. You can’t take back words and they do hurt. If you are upset or not sure weigh your words carefully. ~ Jackie Lemke 

What we put out in this world will come back to haunt or heal us!

Be angry if the situation calls for it; but extreme anger may lead to or convert into cruelty.

Cruel is the worst thing and most hurtful thing also. I feel sad for the people that find it so easy to be cruel, how would they feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I would hope that they would never ever be cruel to anyone or anything ever again. ~ Carla Simmons

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