Being surrounded by the wrong people

Being surrounded by the wrong people

I’d rather be alone happy than be among others who make me feel unhappy. ~ Patricia Marn 
Alone time is good for you. It gives you time to think about your day, and what was good and what you would do differently, and plan for a better day tomorrow. ~ Kay Richter 
You are never alone if you like yourself. Work on liking yourself first then the rest doesn’t matter. Move on! I have been working on myself and it is not easy but I do feel better with my life say than I did 5 years ago. I don’t mind being alone so much as I did back then, just never quit trying. It is working for me. ~ June Stanhope 
When I was in a relationship with a narcissist and he was determined to try and constantly make me unhappy and feel bad about myself. Not ever being there for me but complaining I didn’t do enough for him. What’s the point in having a relationship with someone that makes you feel alone. ~ Rita Faz 
Being alone is a pleasure to me. I am more lonely in the company of someone who is more interested in their cell phone or just doesn’t talk but just sits and looks around like I am not there. ~ Linda Hinson 

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