A random acts of kindness

A random acts of kindness

Sometimes its the little things in life that makes the biggest impressions.

Simple kindness is a small manifestation of giving. Why not start with kindness? ~ Noreen Flores 

It’s the little things that count the most. In order to get to the bigger things, one must first become adequate with the little things because it takes going through the little things to get to the bigger things. Anything outside of that is impossible. Not because I simply say so, but because it’s honest truth. ~ Maynard Brown 

Little things, like hugs, chocolate, smiles, those three little words that ring so true when you find the right person, they are so wonderful, they even make me go all soft and daft. ~ Simon Balfre 

We rarely realize how the little things effect other people. Something as simple as giving someone a ride, could make the difference. ~ Mark Swisher 

Always give of yourself. It’s the best gift you can give. Helping others is what God intended us to do. ~ Renee Morgan

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