A man doesn’t need to be flawless to be a perfect father

A man doesn't need to be flawless to be a perfect father

No one is perfect. But it takes dedication for a good man to become a good father. ~ Katia Inevil

There is something sacred about being a father & honoring responsibilities. You will be blessed. ~ Carmen Williams

Everyone has flaws but a dedicated father is absolutely perfect. Glad my daughter has such a wonderful daddy in her life. ~ Amanda DeWeese

When my wife was expecting our first child, my dad pulled me aside one day as he wanted to impart some of his wisdom on me and said to me, “Remember one thing as your child grows, most any man can sire a child, but only a man can become a father.” ~ Robert Ascolillo

There is no such thing as a perfect father. An incredible father is one who teaches but never punishes (there is a distinct difference between the two). One who loves unconditionally and who’s greatest wish is that their child will have a happy life and the tools to cope with everything life can throw at them and still have a smile on their face. ~ Stu Dancelifts

Respect to all real mother’s and true father’s who sacrifice so much by taking the full responsibilites by putting they’re kids and family first. ~ Molly Aylani

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